March 8, 2012


I really love illustration. 
I think what I like most about illustration is that it isn't life-like.
Things are a bit off. Perhaps a bit more exaggerated and bit less in touch with reality.
I love that you dont have to follow any type of rules, or worry about proportions (well,sometimes..), or be handicapped by only using certian colors because "that's how they look in real life".
I want to draw purple elephants, birds who wear shoes, trees with no leaves, and girls who have doll faces.
          Because that's what I like. And I think that's where my strengths are. 
I've spent months feeling very inadequate and talent-less because I was spending most of my time trying to draw in a style that was quite popular, and to be quite honest, I hated it!
I put little effort in and was utterly lazy with detail, which in turn, led to my demise in the whole
"realism" drawing world. 
But I'm happy to say I've finally found joy in drawing again because I began to remember 
that illustrations are what started my love for art in the first place.
Like I mentioned before, I have a HUGE thing for drawing girls with doll faces. You know? That whole vacant-expression, doe-eyed, Zooey Deschanel-doll-face-look?
I think it stems from staring at fashion illustrations for hours...
Anyways..Back to the point!
I'm going to start a collection of illustrations called "Doll Face"
and every week I will try and post at least 1 new girl (much more detailed than the one up top) as a way to 
keep me deep in the creative process. 
Happy Thursday!

March 3, 2012

Confessions, confessions.

Well, I'm waiting for the clogged tub to drain so I can take a shower. 
I'm going on the 32nd minute of waiting.
Yes, it's apparently very clogged.
I must confess, I did not take a shower yesterday.
Yes, I am. 
I must also confess that I actually LOVED running today.
Usually, I loathe it. 
And I loathe the stickyness of sweat after it dries.
So...I really need that shower. 
And while we are on the subject of confessing things...
I love salsa in an extremely gluttonous way. And if we were eating chips and salsa together and you looked down to tie your shoe, i would probably drink it while you weren't looking. 
Because I love it that much.
I'm also a safety freak.
And a germ freak.
And an intense hypochondriac.
But don't worry, if you meet me..I am mostly normal.
I also must confess that today I put no vanilla in this ladies 1/2 caff, nonfat, no foam, 160 degree, vanilla latte, because she is a rude gargoyle lady, and her order is ridiculous. Not to mention she comes into my work with baby size work-out clothes and her mountainous boobs pushed practically up to heaven, and well, I just think she needs a turtle neck and talking to...but all I can do is control her beverage quality. And I'm sorry to say, I'm not sorry I did it. 
 I confess I don't paint my nails as often as I'd like.
And I watch reality tv shows more than I'd like.
I have an intense love for long hair.
And lace.
 And clothes.
And make up.
And undies.
Well, safe to say....I'm a girl.
that's enough outta me.
Plus it's finally time for me to take a shower.

happy saturday y'all.